Coaching Skills for Great Manager Training

What's on Posted by: binaartha on 21/06/2013 11:21

Bina Artha recognizes the importance of helping its people grow their skills along with the fast business and organizational structure growth.  Therefore, with the help of a qualified external trainer we have organized a Coaching Skill training for HO Managers and Regional Managers on the 21st – 22nd June in Jakarta. Participants learnt how to use coaching as one of tools to motivate team and improve performances. This will be continued with additional training on specific leadership topics as part of Bina Artha’s continuous learning programs.

Bina Artha recognizes the importance of helping its people grow their skills along with the fast business and organizational structure growth.  Therefore, with the help of a qualified external trainer we have organized a Coaching Skill training for HO Managers and Regional Managers on the 21st – 22nd June in Jakarta. Participants learnt how to use coaching as one of tools to motivate team and improve performances. This will be continued with additional training on specific leadership topics as part of Bina Artha’s continuous learning programs.

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