Bina Artha Champion 2016

What's on Posted by: binaartha on 06/04/2017 12:06

Employee is the best asset for the company. To give an appreciation to our employee, Bina Artha held the awarding session for the best employee called with “Bina Artha Champion 2016”. This event has been held on April 6th 2017. Each regional (both group lending and individual lending) and head office must submiited one employee to follow this competition.

On the first step, all candidates that has been choosen by the committee will be assessed by 360 degrees assessment. 360 degrees assessement is the assessment process of the employee performance in 1 year. Each candidate will be assessed by three assessors which is comsisted of their direct superior, their peer or their subordinate.

After doing the first step, the candidates have been invited to the Head Office on 5-6 April 2017 and took a written test and presentations about their suggestions and input for Bina Artha in front of top management and Board of Directors. Candidates with the the highest score will win this event.

The main winner from branch was obtained by Silvi Oktaviani (the employee from Regional 4 – Pagaden’s Branch administrator). The main winner from head office was obtained by Cyntia Agustin (trainer offier from Human Resources Department). The winner of the best employee got the grand prize of Rp 10.000.00,00.

Bina Artha also assigned three runner up from branches. The three runner up are Paul Didik Priyo (Branch Manager from Purworejo Branch), Iis Sapitri (Group Lending Administrator from Ciamis Branch) and Ponco Bayu Samudro (Area Manager from Individual Lending -Semarang Area). For these achievements, each of them got a prize of 1 unit Laptop. Bina Artha gave the prizes not only for the winner, but also for the finalist. Each finalist got a voucher of Rp 2.500.000,00 and goodie bag.

The end of this event was closed with a Gala Dinner with the board of management and all finalist in Grand Indonesia Jakarta. Bina Artha Champion is the appreciation from the company to the best employees that give their best perfomance for the company.

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