As a realization of Bina Artha’s vision and mission as a trusted financial institution and as a business partner that provides easy and innovative product and service solutions that are reliable and transparent to all partners and all stakeholders. Bina Artha passed a series of qualification testing processes to obtain a Partner Protection Certification some time ago. In August 2023, Bina Artha Ventura officially obtained the Customer Protection Certification with the Bronze level of Microfinanza Rating. (MFR).
By obtaining the Client Protection certification, Bina Artha is committed to all products and services provided to protect the risks and losses received by the Partner. Through the MFR’s eligibility test, Bina Artha adopts internationally recognized partner protection principles to ensure that Bina Artha can build constructive long-term relationships with the Partner.
Achievement of certification at the Bronze level is supported by the application of Bina Artha values by SoBAV so that it meets all standards of eligibility for Partner protection. Thanks to the participation SoBAV has played an active role and supported the success of the Client Protection Principal (CPP) certification process of Bina Artha.
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