Product and Services

  • Individual Lending - Bina Usaha

    Easy Process:

    • Intended for individual loans.
    • Fast process only 1 week.
    • Soft collateral.
    • Credit limits: IDR 8 – 50 million.
    • 6 – 36 months installment payment period.
    • Installment period: once in a month.
    • Only citizen ID card, marriage book and family card.
    • Installment payment via Alfamart, Mandiri and BRI.
  • Group Lending - Bina Grup

    Easy Process:

    • Intended for group loans (must form groups).
    • A group must have a minimum of 12 members.
    • Without collateral.
    • Fast process only 5-6 working days.
    • Credit limits: IDR 3-7 million.
    • 31 times installment payment period.
    • Only citizen ID cards and family card.
    • Installment period: once in two weeks.

About Us

Welcome to the Bina Artha website! PT Bina Artha Ventura is a registered Venture Capital Company actively engaged in the microfinance sector in Indonesia since December 2011. Bina Artha offers working capital through a modified version of the traditional microfinance Grameen group methodology exclusively to women who do not have or have only partial access to the formal financial sector. In addition we provide access to business loans for small enterprises. We at Bina Artha are inspired by the ideal that providing access to finance to low income households engaged in micro and small enterprises in Indonesia gives them an important tool to achieve economic and social upliftment. We thrive to work in a fair, transparent, efficient and sustainable manner and we have a quite ambitious dream: to reach 1,000,000 households with our services over the next few years!

Group Company

Holding Company

Through its operating companies, CreditAccess South-East Asia B.V (CASEA) provides convenient and reliable financial services to Asian households lacking credit.

CASEA is incorporated in the Netherlands and focuses on impact investments in the South-East Asian region and serves as a holding company for its subsidiary companies in the Philippines and Indonesia.

CASEA’s service model seeks to create long term relationships with its customers through a `doorstep´ approach, underpinned by innovative technologies, to deliver efficient and customer-centric financial products catering to their entire business lifecycle.

CASEA is part of the CreditAccess network which deploy their assets in South-East Asia and India, a region of 2 billion populations and 150 million unbanked businesses, which represent the hidden backbone of local economies.

Our Sister Companies

What We Do

  • Micro Small Enterprises - Bina Usaha

    Through the Bina Usaha product Bina Artha offers working capital ranging from IDR 8 to 30 million to individuals owning micro and small enterprises and who can offer adequate movable collateral, such as equipment, stock, business appliances, etcetera.
  • Micro Lending - Bina Grup

    Bina Grup is a collateral-free working capital financial product for women owning a micro enterprise which is provided according to an improved version of the traditional Grameen methodology.


Work With Us

  • We Care
  • Good Career Path
  • Improving Employee's
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What's on
19 Aug, 24

Bina Artha Achieves ISO 27001-2022 Certification

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What's on
08 Jul, 24

#SoBAVPrima “Amazing Race” at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah: Fun and Excitement with Bina Artha Awards 2023 Participants

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What's on
08 Jul, 24

Bina Artha Awards 2023: Embrace the Challenge

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Client Testimony


Mitra Kompak - Cagak

In the past, I always defecated and urinated in a neighbor’s house because the toilet conditions that I had were very bad. However, after obtaining a KOMPAK product financing loan, I have my own toilet. The easy process of disbursing loan funds and the construction of fast and quality toilet facilities made me feel comfortable being a client of Bina Artha. Now I don’t need to bother my neighbor’s bathroom anymore. Thank you Bina Artha!

Mitra Kompak - Cagak


Mitra Group Lending - Cagak

My first business as an entrepreneur was selling retail fertilizer. I started the business with my husband as my business partner. However, the business did not run well, so I decided to change our business to produce construction bricks. I came to Bina Artha to get a working capital loan for the business. Now, I have got a second cycle loan from Bina Artha. Alhamdulillah, our business has been growing so fast. My business in average consumes 3-4 trucks of sand per week to fulfill our customers’ order, and always been increasing from time to time. I hope that Bina Artha may continue to support my working capital needs in the future.

Mitra Group Lending - Cagak


Mitra Individual Lending - Kediri

I am running the motorcycle garage business. I choose Bina Artha as my main source of  business capital loans because of its friendly employee service, tenor of the payment method is adjusted by my ability to pay and the profit sharing system is very competitive. Thank God that my business always grows. I hope I can continue to have a loan in Bina Artha. Go Bina Artha!

Mitra Individual Lending - Kediri

Woman Inspiration

Mrs. Iyar - Mitra Group Lending

Bu Iyar is one of our Group Lending clients with success story that we can be proud of. Her parent financial situation became her motivation to start a business. The family needed her support to provide basic necessities. She has run a small warung since she was a teenager in 1985. A modest IDR 200,000.- initial working capital for the business. Challenges in the business have had not made her give up, her business has survived. Bu Iyar would like to grow the business, and she applied for loan from Bina Artha. The loan was used to buy more stocks for the warung. Since then her business has grown bigger. Income from her warung has also increased, now she not only able to support her parent, but also her own family. Part of the income from the warung also has been used for her Children education. Bravo Bu Iyar!