On November 14, 2016 Bina Artha celebrated the 5th anniversary since its inception at the end of 2011. In the Head Office, we celebrated with a dinner party which was attended by all Head Office employees and the Board of Directors. The event was cheerful, with quizzes and games with prizes to win. The celebration of Bina Artha’s anniversary by branch staff was equally joyful. We celebrated our successes over the last five years and reminded ourselves again about our vision and mission.
For celebrating its 5th birthday Bina Artha also held a team photo competition for branch employees with exciting prizes for the winners. All entries have been posted on BAV’s Instagram account, @binaarthaventura. The account also has more pictures added to it, so all employees and other stakeholders will have access to information on our latest activities.
Happy birthday Bina Artha!