Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan – SLIK (Financial Information Services System) from OJK

What's on Posted by: binaartha on 27/04/2017 12:09

PT Bina Artha Ventura always put forward the transparency on data reporting of Bina Artha’s activities and performance especially to the regulator (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK).  On April 2017, PT Bina Artha Ventura gained an appreciation from OJK. This appreciation is given to PT Bina Artha Ventura because of PT Bina Artha Ventura always dicispline to give the client data’s report neatly by inputing the data into Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan – SLIK (Financial Information Services System) that has been built by OJK. The appreciation is given by holding the awarding event on April 27th 2017. The awarding charter has been given by Bapak Muliaman Darmansyah Hadad (Chairman of OJK’s Board of Comissioner) to Bapak Budhi Siswoadji (Chief Operating Officer PT Bina Artha Ventura).

SLIK is the information technology system which is managed by OJK to support the implementation of OJK’s task of supervision. The OJK’s supervision aims to maintain the business continuity of the financial services company in Indonesia (such as bank, multifinance, microfinance and other financial services company).

SLIK help the society and financial services companies in Indonesia to take a decision on financing and investing. SLIK aims to give the information of debtor’s data to the financial services companies in Indonesia. SLIK is the transformation of SID (Sistem Informasi Debitur) that has been built since 2007 by Bank Indonesia (the central bank of Indonesia). SID is filled by data of the indebted community in Indonesia (debtor). By using SID, Bank Indonesia will be easier to supervise credit management or debt management of debtors.

There are forty-eight banks and finance companies that has been awarded by OJK because of their  contribution on reporting the debtor’s data. With the SLIK, we can know the quality of good or bad debtors when lending funds to banks and other financial services companies. The entire debtor loan history will be tracked through the SLIK system so that we can set a good quality market target for the company.

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