Bina Artha Launched Integrity Commitment Campaign

What's on Posted by: binaartha on 11/10/2017 12:11

Bina Artha is always consistent in upholding work ethics as well as the value of honesty and fairness in every action that is undertaken by its employees. To further encourage them, Bina Artha launched Bina Artha Integrity Commitment to be implemented by all employees.

Integrity Commitment is made to encourage all employees to apply the principle of integrity in their work activities. “As an important aspect for developing our company, integrity plays an important role to ensure each employee in Bina Artha to implement the principles of honesty and truth,” said Mohamad Iqbal, Learning and Development Manager of Bina Artha.

Integrity Commitment of Bina Artha is an emphasis of one of Bina Artha’s corporate values which is Integrity. The integrity commitment of Bina Artha consists of:

  1. Trustworthy
    Maintain client and company trust
  2. Honest
    Transparent in providing factual data
  3. Professional
    Working in accordance with provisions and procedures

All employees of Bina Artha are given a breastpin that will be used every day while they work. The pin functions as a guidance and act as a reminder to all employees regarding the importance of integrity and to implement all aspects of accross the company’s activities.

With this Integrity Commitment, Bina Artha prevents possible disadvantageous actions conducted by its employees and ensure both to move rapidly towards success,” said Iqbal.

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