Assistance for a flash floods Banyuwangi of Bina Artha

What's on Posted by: binaartha on 21/07/2018 12:22

On June 22, 2018, there was a flash flood in Banyuwangi, East Java. Representative employees of Bina Artha, especially Regional 8, conducted a social activitiy to help refugees in flood- affected areas.

This social activity was held at State Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri) 1 Singojuruh. Assistance was given in the form of gas stove, regulator hose, and gas cylinder with a total package valued as much as RP 22,500,000 for 89 clients of Bina Artha affected by the devastating disaster.

During the visit, the team from Regional 8 obtained the following conditions:

  • Some people  displaced in refugee camps and there are some people who are displaced in their relatives or family’s house.
  • There were 25 heavily damaged houses, 250 lightly damaged houses with mud-filled conditions as high as 20cm, and 80 houses full of mud as high as 20-120 cm.

It is expected that this aid can help ease the burden of the victims of the flood disaster, hoping that the conditions in Banyuwangi area and its refugees can be as conducive as it was before the disaster.

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