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Corporate Governance

Our foundation for successful growth is good corporate governance. Through a firm corporate structure accompanied by a strict monitoring process, we ensure that the company stands, runs, and grows with a commitment to integrity and accountability.

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Corporate Governance

A Solid and Transparent Company

At Bina Artha Ventura, we implemented good corporate governance to ensure every business decision is made with transparency and integrity, applied aligned with regulator compliance.

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Know Your Customer

Know Your Customers (KYC) is a process aimed at identifying and verifying the identities of clients to determine their eligibility for accessing business capital loans from Bina Artha Ventura. It begins with checking client’s administrative requirements, including their Indonesia Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card (KK).

Our Commitment to Integrity

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Maintain clients and company trust.

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Transparent in provide the data according to facts.

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Working by applicable procedures.

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Bina Artha Ventura is committed to continue improving the quality of its Good Corporate Governance, developing a business environment that provides an optimal customer experience to clients. Bina Artha Ventura provides reporting facilities to prevent frauds and detect irregularities. It also created a code of conduct for violation and identification of fraud.

We ensure that the reporter's identity will be securely protected and your report is confidential guaranteed.

Help us identify your report and follow up immediately, we expect you to convey the information complete and clear.

Thank you for trusting Lapor SoBAV.

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Sustainable Meaningful Impact

In order to support the achievement of various formulations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Bina Artha Ventura shows full commitment to achieving the welfare of the MSME community in the economic, social and environmental fields through the provision of financial services in line with the company's operational activities.

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No Poverty

Bina Artha Ventura is committed to alleviating poverty by providing financing to the poorest entrepreneurs, who have difficulty gaining access to formal financial services.

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Gender Equality

The composition of Bina Artha Ventura clients consist of 85% Women and 15% Men. The composition of Bina Artha Ventura employees consist of 57% Women and 43% Men.

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Clean Water and Adequate Sanitation

Since 2016, Bina Artha Ventura has consistently provided KOMPAK loans that focus on the development of clean water and sanitation facilities.

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Economic growth

Bina Artha Ventura always contributes to supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, opening up productive job opportunities for high school and vocational school graduates and equivalent.

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Minimizing the Gap

Bina Artha Ventura focuses on fully supporting financing for micro-entrepreneurs, to reduce the inequality rate in society in Indonesia.

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Sustainable Meaningful Impact

Bina Artha Ventura promotes the concept of ESCG which covers sustainable development and business activities through the main criteria of Environmental Protection, Social Mission, clients Protection and Good Corporate Governance.

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Environmental Protection

Bina Artha Ventura will not make loans to any business or against any use of loans, or support any activities deemed harmful to the environment.

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Social Mission

Bina Artha Ventura is a social company with a social mission to provide Indonesian families that do not have access to the formal financial sector with convenient and innovative access to reliable financial and non-financial services.

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Client Protection

Bina Artha Ventura is committed to always implementing and maintaining the principle of client protection. Bina Artha obtained the 'Client Protection Certification' from MFR (Microfinanza Rating) in August 2023.

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Good Corporate Governance

Bina Artha Ventura fully complies with the regulations of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) relating to good governance practices. Bina Artha also has a written code of ethics that has been approved by the authorized Board of Commissioners.

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Code of Conduct

Bina Artha Ventura’s Code of Conduct provides general principles and ethics for all employees to work professionally. Consistent implementation of the Code of Conduct can increase the value and growth of our business. All employees are required to follow the company's Code of Conduct properly to provide the best service to our clients and other external parties.

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